The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Between Tofu and Bentonite Cat Litter

Currently, tofu cat litter and bentonite cat litter are the two most commonly used cat litters, but how to choose has become a concern for many cat owners.

1. Which Type of Cat Litter is Most Used in the World?

Currently, in China, tofu cat litter has a large audience, far exceeding bentonite cat litter, because plant-based cat litter can be flushed into toilets. However, looking at the world, bentonite cat litter has the largest audience! Especially in developed countries such as the United States, bentonite cat litter accounts for more than 80% of the market share, while tofu cat litter only accounts for a few percentage points.

2. Potential “Lethality” of Tofu Cat Litter

Although tofu cat litter is weaker in clumping and deodorization, it is not too far behind. Not to mention that it is green, environmentally friendly, and edible, the clumping process is very convenient! So why is it so neglected by the market? It turns out that both soybeans and corn are organic matter, which can easily lead to decay in a humid environment, resulting in various chemical changes. Mold is the most common issue, with some molds containing trace toxins, among which “aflatoxin” is the most deadly. Aflatoxin can damage the liver tissue of humans and animals, causing liver cancer or even death in severe cases. It is one of the most recognized carcinogenic substances among the chemical carcinogens discovered.

Currently, there is a perfect mechanism for the detection of aflatoxin. The probability of buying “toxic cat litter” is very low, and the toxin needs to reach a certain amount in a short time to be harmful. Therefore, tofu cat litter is still a natural cat litter that can be used with confidence.

3. Problems with Bentonite Cat Litter

Since bentonite cat litter is so good, why are there still so few people using it in China? Because there is a problem that cat owners really don’t want to face – cleaning up the particles brought out. Currently, the particles of bentonite cat litter are about 2-3mm, so it is easy to get stuck in the cat’s paws. When the cat is done with the toilet, these particles are brought out together, making them spread throughout the house. Because the particles are so small, it brings great difficulties to cleaning. And for people who live alone, it is even more challenging to clean them every day.

In fact, no matter the potential threat of tofu cat litter or the particles brought out by bentonite cat litter, they cannot cover up their own advantages, nor can they prevent cat lovers from using them.

Tofu and Bentonite Cat Litter,Туалетным Наполнителем из Тофу и Бентонита,Tofu- und Bentonit-Katzenstreu,Pasir Kucing Tofu dan Bentonit